terça-feira, 26 de março de 2024

What are you working on in your recovery?

Hey L,

As you know, this month we've been sharing posts and thoughts from Steven Luff inspired by his new book Faith and Sex.

All these posts have been focused on essentials of recovery.

We've said...

  • Recovery takes time.
  • Recovery is an organic process.
  • Recovery takes work.

And so this week we shift our attention to a topic that may be one of the most important aspects of recovery that many don't understand. And that is this...

What exactly are we "working on" when we talk about recovery?

Well, that is the subject of this week's post. So check it out here and let us know what you think in the comments.

Profile Image Carl Thomas
Executive Director and Founder
Live Free Ministries | XXXchurch.com

REMEMBER, if you want to learn more about the real process of lasting recovery, do yourself a favor and grab a copy of Steven's new book Fath and Sex on Amazon today. This book is literally one of the best ones I've ever read on this topic and offers real hope and practical advice.

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The New XXXchurch


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