terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

Removing Your Eye and Other Extreme Half Measures

Hey L,

One time a guy who follows our ministry sent me an infographic called 40 Ways to Pluck Out Your Right Eye to Avoid Porn. He said it was a "resource" he had created and wanted to share it with our audience.

And while I appreciate his willingness to share this resource he prepared, I politely declined the opportunity to share it with our audience.


Well, it's not because I'm a jerk.

But that verse (Matthew 18:8) has been used more times than I can count when the subject of dealing with porn and lust surfaces. This idea that if you struggle, your best option is to remove the source of your struggle.

I touched on these sort of mindless responses last week here.

And while I do think it's wise to remove access (or yourself) to sources of porn or from troublesome situations when you are trying to establish some sobriety as part of your recovery process, it's certainly not the be-all and end-all solution.

Not even close.

In fact, that's the topic of today's post so make sure you check it out here and let us know what you think in the comments!

Profile Image Carl Thomas
Executive Director and Founder
Live Free Ministries | XXXchurch.com

BTW, if you need a safe place to start the process of recovery, check out the Live Free Community or Small Groups Online.

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The New XXXchurch


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