terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2024

A Mindful Response to Lust

Hey L,

Last week we talked about attraction, or rather, the lack of it. So this week, I thought we'd reverse gears and talk about what if we are too attracted to someone.

Or rather, what if we sense that we are drifting into the area of lust?

This question of how to stop lusting is a popular one. In fact, it has been the inspiration for countless books, sermons, and podcasts.

Unfortunately, often the answers provided to this question fall into what I would describe as legalistic or mindless solutions.

Basically, they are behavior-focused quick fixes that don't really address the real issue.

But what if we could sidetrack our temptation to lust in a more thoughtful and even prayerful manner? What if instead of relying on thoughtless lust management techniques we put some real intention and energy into the process?

Would that offer a more meaningful and beneficial solution?

Well that is the subject of this week's post, so check it out here and let us know what you think in the comments.

Profile Image Carl Thomas
Executive Director and Founder
Live Free Ministries | XXXchurch.com

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