quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

Victory Over Addiction

Hey L,

Last week we shared with you some thoughts about whether or not marriage makes it easier to overcome bad habits and addictions.

I hope that helped some of you.

But this week, we want to talk to you about how you can walk in victory!

Our friend Shawn Bonneteau shares some thoughts about this this in this week's post. Make sure you check it out!

- Richard

Are you struggling with a recent loss due to COVID-19? I imagine you have lost something in one way or another, and I know it can be a tough pill to swallow.

A loss often leads to grief. When something completely overturns our expectations and changes everyday living, it can cause us to live in fear and scarcity. I know for myself, I rely on an income to get me by because I have bills to pay. I don't think you are any different. If you lost your job and are experiencing repercussions of that, I want to encourage you to keep your mind and heart above the darkness. In times likes these, we get to choose to become a victim or a victor, and we get to decide whether we will fall into addictions or if we will step into opportunities.

Why is it so hard to be a victor?

In times like these, it can be so hard to think like a victor and step into opportunities, I know firsthand. The challenge often comes from a mindset of "Why me?",' "that's not fair," and so on… Sure, we all believe we deserve a fair outcome, but really, life is not a respecter of people, and with this, we can get dealt a hand that we may not like. This can lead someone into feeling emotions such as grief, depression, rage, fear, boredom, loneliness, anxiety, and resentment. When emotions such as these are felt, its because our thoughts are revolved around being the victim. When life is hard, and we react negatively as a victim, it becomes nearly impossible to think positively, to act kindly, and to be the person you know you want to be. This becomes a recipe in one's life, and it's the unfailing recipe that leads to addictions.

We see that most addicts are stuck in a cycle of playing victim, they resent a particular circumstance, begin hating others and hating themselves, and are stuck feeling like they deserve something. Hence, they watch porn and masturbate to "get" what they thought they "needed."

Btw, if you need a safe place to talk about this stuff and get some accountability make sure you check out Small Groups Online.

If you are on our email list you can sign up to try Small Groups Online for just $1 (no deadline... this is an ongoing thing just for you).

Listen, the stuff we talk about can be tough, just like this topic.

The best thing you or anyone can do is to have a group of people in their life that they can share with, process, and journey with to a better life. Especially now!

But that can be very hard to find.

This is why Small Groups Online exists, to give you a safe place where you can find those people.

Again, because you are on our list, if you've been thinking about joining a small group (or maybe it never occurred to you before) you can try one out for an entire month for just $1.

And if you decide it's not for you, just cancel within the 1st 30 days and you'll never get billed again.

Just use coupon code ONEDOLLAR at checkout.

Go find your small group now!

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