sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2022

The latest answers to your questions about sex and more

Hey L,

I just wanted to let you know that we have now released 50 episodes of Office Hours that you can watch right now!

Office Hours, for those of you who don't know, are weekly audio and video sessions where we answer ANY question (on camera) people have submitted throughout the week about all things sex, porn, masturbation, and more.

Here are the latest 10 episodes and the questions we answered in case something strikes a chord with you.

Episode 50 - Click HERE to watch

  • Can my brain recover if I'm into weird fetishes?

Episode 49 - Click HERE to watch

  • Is it OK for a woman to initiate and pursue in a relationship?

Episode 48 - Click HERE to watch

  • Can XXXchurch help someone addicted to visiting strip clubs?

Episode 47 - Click HERE to watch

  • I quit porn, but why can't I quit masturbating?

Episode 46 - Click HERE to watch

  • How often are you tempted to lust?

Episode 45 - Click HERE to watch

  • How can I develop intimacy with God to fight lust?

Episode 44 - Click HERE to watch

  • Can you help me with my son's sexual addiction and transgender feelings?

Episode 43 - Click HERE to watch

  • Did I truly repent if I keep looking at porn?

Episode 42 - Click HERE to watch

  • What can I do if Christians don't understand when I share my problems?

Episode 41 - Click HERE to watch

  • Do you know of affordable treatment centers for sex addiction?

And if you would prefer to listen than watch, click here to find all our episodes on your favorite podcasting platform.

I hope you enjoy these Office Hours session and if you have questions you'd like answered, just visit our site and submit yours today. Also, if you want to be notified whenever we release a new episode, simply click this link!

Profile Image Carl Thomas
Executive Director and Founder
Live Free Ministries |

By the way, if you are looking for some 1-on-1 direction and advice relating to your recovery journey we now offer consultations via Zoom. Just click here for more information or to book your chat.

You're getting this email because you opted in to our 10-Day Action Plan, took a test, or just wanted to make sure we sent you news and updates.

The New XXXchurch


5 Gondola Circle Woodbury, New Jersey 08096 United States

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