terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2021

Approaching the Matter of Lust

Hey L,

This month, as you may know, we've been talking about transparency. But this week I want to put a pause on that conversation, because over the past 4-6 weeks since we launched Office Hours, one topic that keeps coming up constantly is the matter of lust.

And that really shouldn't surprise me since over the past 10 years of working in this area of ministry, I continually run into questions about lust such as...

  • What is lust?
  • Is looking, desire, or temptation the same thing as lust?
  • Is lust unavoidable?
  • Why is it wrong or is it wrong at all?
  • How can we deal with lustful behavior?

So this week I thought I'd share with you a video teaching I did inside the Live Free Community (we do teachings like this every month) on this very subject.


I hope you find this video helpful and if you want more content like this, check out the Live Free Community App.

Profile ImageCarl Thomas
Let's Live Free!
CEO | XXXchurch.com

PS. If you have questions about lust, just visit our site and submit yours today to be answered in an upcoming Office Hours episode.

PPS. If you'd like to be notified when we release a new Office Hours video each week when we answer questions about sex, porn, and masturbation just click here.

You're getting this email because you opted in to our 10-Day Action Plan, took a test, or just wanted to make sure we sent you news and updates.

The New XXXchurch


5 Gondola Circle Woodbury, New Jersey 08096 United States

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